Attention Mercenaries!
We’re excited to announce that Economy Update Part 2 is now live! This update brings a wealth of new features and improvements to enhance your gameplay experience. Here’s what’s new:
- More Crafting: Crafting has been expanded! All previously existing weapons and exo suits can now be crafted, allowing you to customize and upgrade your gear to fit your playstyle!
- New Dungeon – The Floating Fortress: A mysterious new dungeon has appeared deep underwater. According to our intel the The Floating Fortress was a research facility where experiments were conducted to help fight the shade. What lurks within is anyone’s guess—are you brave enough to explore it?
- Quality of Life Improvements: We’ve listened to your feedback and implemented a series of tweaks to make your experience smoother and more enjoyable.
- Password reset is now possible: If players log out of the launcher, they will have to reset their Password in order to login again.
Dive in and explore the latest additions to the world!
Settings Window
- Players can now control the SFX and music volume separately.
- Players can now adjust their graphics settings better.

Weapons and Exo suit Crafting
- Extended crafting has been added.

- Players will now be able to craft both suits and weapons which previously were not craftable. Here is what players can expect:
- In order to craft, players will need new types of resources and new Blueprints.
- Players can increase the crafting tier for a higher chance to craft higher rarities.
- Increasing the crafting tier will also increase cost and time for the craft.
- Only one item can be crafted at a time.
- Players will get a notification when the craft is completed.
- Players will be able to skip crafting in exchange for Platinum, similarly to how skipping NFT crafting works.
- Different items will have different requirements i.e. resources needed to craft a weapon may not be the same as resources needed to craft a suit.
- Players will now be able to collect Blueprints for weapons during missions.
- Weapon Blueprints will be a more frequent drop than Weapons as a ready-to-use item.
- Blueprints can be found in chests, enemies or boss monsters, with boss monsters having the highest drop rate.
- Players will now have a chance to obtain Mythical Weapon Blueprints, which can only drop from boss monsters at higher difficulties

Modular Weapons
- All weapons in the game up till this point, excluding NFT, have been revamped and a generated from modular parts.
- Modular weapons consist out of several parts like scopes or magazines that all have an impact on the weapon stats.
- NFT Weapons and Mythic Weapons have no modular parts as they are fully pre-defined.
- In the wepaon details screen you can check out all modular parts of your weapon.
- Weapon Parts come in Tiers which are defined by rarity of the weapon:
- Common / Uncommon: Tier 1
- Rare = Tier 1 & Tier 2
- Epic= Tier 2
- Legendary = Tier 2 & 3
- Mythic = Tier 3 (Custom Parts)
- The higher the Tier, the better the weapon will be.
- Due to extremely high amount of weapon attachments, we’ve done our best to test everything. We would appreciate if you share any feedback or bugs you encounter while experimenting with this new system.

Weapon Dismantling
- With the introduction of modular weapons, players will now be able to dismantle all Non-NFT weapons except their equipped items or the four starter weapons.
- Upon dismantling, players will receive rewards such as credits or resources. Legendary weapons will also grant a Shade core.

New Resources
- New resources have been introduced:
- Titanium
- Iron
- Aluminum

- Currently there are 3 primary ways to collect the new resources:
- Killing Bosses (high chance)
- Resource Chests / Shade Storage (Interactables) / Loot Chests
- Killing Enemies (very low chance)
- Every game mode will have a higher chance to drop more of a specific type of resource:
- Dungeon: Birthplace of Horror → Iron
- Dungeon: Floating Fortress → Titanium
- Extraction: Disturbed Signal → Aluminum
- Survival: Breeding Site → Iron
- Survival: Infected Bunker → Aluminum
- The SHADE CORE resource is an extremely rare special item that can only drop from Boss monsters on high difficulty or from dismantled legendary weapons.

- At the end of each mission, players will be able to check their loot in the Collected Loot window.
New Dungeon: Floating Fortress

- The Floating Fortress has been discovered. According to our intel researchers used to work on developing space tech and later the research shifted towards helping the effort against the shade. Merc, you must go into the facility and survey what is going on, but beware – danger lurks.
- The Floating Fortress is a brand new challenge where Players will have to learn how to adapt to new strong and challenging enemies with high energy damage, and survive till the end where they will face a new boss.
New Enemies
- Rogue A.I:
- New boss with lots of new abilities.

- Guard Drones
- Be careful around those guys. They may look small, but they are still tough.

- Turrets
- They may be static, but their firing power should not be underestimated.

- Security Drones
- They may not look threatening, but their friends are!

- Exploding Walkers
- New types of Shade enemies who always have the last word
- New types of Shade enemies who always have the last word

- New Walker and Crawler Lab Variants
- We’ve expanded the variations for Walkers and Crawlers for more visual variety.

New Interactables
- Players will now be able to discover at random locations, two new Loot chests which will contain the new crafting resources.

New Base setup
- From now on, payers will start out with a single suit – The Frontliner.
- From now on, players will start out with less weapons as well – 1x ARX-2 and 3x Special weapons.
- These starter weapons can’t be deleted/dismantled.
- Players will now be able to craft all other suits by using the new Crafting Station.
New Season, Season 12 the Shielded Season
- Season 12 will begin together with Economy Update Part 2.
- Leaderboard seasonal rewards have now been changed to be modular weapons.
- The Floating Fortress is the newest seasonal dungeon challenge.
- The seasonal version will be a lot more challenging than the normal version.
- As there will no longer be wipes, the costs and XP requirements for weapon upgrading and player level have been increased.
- High upgrade levels will now cost SHADE CORES.
- NFT Blueprint drop rates have been increased across the board. Most bosses have an 8% chance to drop a NFT blueprint. The Seasonal End Boss has a 15% drop rate.
- Platinum costs for crafting NFT Weapons and the costs to skip have been doubled.
Shop System

- Added a simple in-game shop that redirects the players either to the open Loot NFT Marketplace (Website) or the Platinum Shop (Website).
Bug Fixes
We fixed various bugs and issues around the game, some notable ones being:
- There’s a mismatch between two different chance values for NFT crafting on the crafting screen.
- When trying to sign in using non-existent account details, the error is suggesting server problem, which is incorrect.
- NFT’s in level 10 not showing the correct stats.
- When a player leaves a multiplayer match, their name and health gets glued to the screen.
We hope you enjoy this update and as usual, if you find any bugs, please open a ticket on Discord and we will do our best to assist.