Attention Mercenaries!
After consistent tease for months, the Economy update is finally here. Strap on your crafting belts, and let’s dive in!
In this Patch Note release, we will go over what’s new and what was fixed.
If you have any feedback, please let us know in our #game-feedback channel.
New Extraction level has been added!
- A brand new challenge has been added in the Nordic Environment: Disturbed Transmission!
- Drop into the stormy north and find the abandoned signal tower to transmit crucial data to the Remnants. Search the area for gasoline to restart the generator that powers the facility and protect it from the Shade attacking from all sides. Are you capable to carry out the full operation and extract before the time runs out?

Quality of Life
- The ability to interact with objects by pressing F has been added.
- Maintenance in-game pop-up have been implemented.

Openloot & Platinum
- Platinum currency is now Live.
- This premium currency is necessary to craft your own NFTs and speed up the crafting time.

Weak Points of Impact
- The world map has changed to a 3d globe with selectable regions
- Weak Points are a system designed to make combat more dynamic. There are Weak points and Strong points which allow for better strategy during the encounter.
- Shieldbearers have Strong Points on the front and damage is decreased by 50%, while their Weak Point is in the back and damage taken is increased by 50%. The sides deal and receive normal damage.
- The Monstrosity has a Weak Point on its back where it receives 50% more damage.

NFT Workshop room and Workstation
- With the Economy update and after the sale, players will gain access to the workshop only if they own a workshop NFT.
- Owning a Workshop will grant you access to a new room in your Ship.
- Owning a Workstation will grant you access to the NFT crafting workstation.
Lucky Drop chance effect
- Lucky Drop perk is applied only by NFTs and players can benefit from it only when equipping one.
- The higher the rarity, the better the Lucky Drop perk will be.
- The Lucky Drop perk increases the player’s chances of finding Transformers or Platinum.
- Players will be able to collect a limited amount of Platinum and Weapon Transformers each week.
- Players can drop Platinum or Weapon transformers, but if the weekly cap is reached, they will be unable to collect them. Currently, players do not receive in-game notification that they’ve reached the cap, and (empty) lucky drops will still drop after the cap is reached, but that will be implemented in the future.
- The limits are the following:
- Daily Platinum Drop Cap: 150
- Weekly Transformer Drop Cap: 1

- Players will now be able to craft their own Weapon NFTs.
- Players will need a Workshop, Workstation, a Transformer,Platinum, and a weapon Blueprint, in order to craft.
- Workshop, Workstation can only be found in boxes sold at OpenLoot or airdrops.
- Transformers can be found in boxes sold at OpenLoot or airdrops. Additionally, they can also be found as a lucky drop in-game only if the player has equipped an NFT (Lucky drop chance perk).

- Blueprints can be found in-game as loot from Bosses.
- The blueprints give out different NFT weapons depending on rarity. Initially, we are releasing a first set of weapon blueprint which are listed below.
- The time it takes to craft an NFT can be skipped with additional Platinum; as the time remains to complete the process gets shorter, the skip prices becomes cheaper (less time to skip = lower skip cost).
- Players can increase their crafting level up to 5, which in return increases the chance to craft a higher Rarity weapon. You will see the difference in the crafting screen.
- Higher crafting level also increases the amount of resources needed and crafting time.

Mini Map / Radar
- Mini map has been added to the UI system. It can be seen in both the player ship and in the various game modes.

New NFT Weapons: Viper Editions
- A new set of NFT weapons has been added to the game, which can be crafted if players obtain the Blueprints for them.
- The following 4 weapons are added:
- Spartan 12G Viper – Uncommon Shotgun
- Scorpio Viper – Rare SMG
- ARX-2 Viper – Epic AR
- MARK-1 Viper – Legendary MR

- The Viper weapons come with a new unique perk: Viper’s Strike.
- Viper’s Strike perk: Dealing critical damage to an enemy will apply Poison status effect. Poison does damage over time and adds a slow effect.
Bug Fixes
We fixed various bugs and issues around the game, some notable ones being:
- Fixed an issue where the HP bar for enemies and users was visibly shaking.
- Fixed an issue where being killed by the Ultimate Rhino skill, prevented the player from moving after the revive.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes, after revival, the red frame indicating low health would remain on screen.
- Fixed an issue where after a kill, a “Go” screen appears until you change your weapon.
- Fixed an issue where after a kill, your opponent’s healthbar disappears.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes, Hard difficulty was selected by default even if only normal was available.